1980: “AYBL Active at Wisconsin Academy”

The Adventist Youth For Better Living Club (AYBL) has been very active at Wisconsin Academy this year. Health emphasis days have been conducted featuring natural remedies such as proper deep breathing, exercise, proper sleep, and oral hygiene. To emphasize the programs even further, skits and talks are given and posters displayed concerning the topic [...]

1970: “Temperance Emphasized at Academy”

The temperance society at Wisconsin Academy has several projects this year. They are sponsoring magazine racks in Beaver Dam; they have shown temperance films in the high schools in Fall River and Columbus; students have helped in the five-day clinic at the Columbus High School which started March 1; and at W.A. itself 25 [...]

1960: “Students Help Build Administration Building”

Those of us who saw the progress that had been made on the new administration building at Wisconsin Academy on September 13 were favorably impressed. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that almost all of the work on the building had been done by students. Some of the men who were builders by trade [...]

1950: “Where Are Your Children?”

The salvation of our children is the concern of every Seventh-day Adventist parent, church officer, and conference worker. The Word of God plainly declares in II Corinthians 6:17-18: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be yet separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will [...]

1969: “Gary Peters Portrays Amahl in Presentation”

On December 20, a small group from the choir presented the opera "Amahl and the Night Visitors", the story of a shepherd boy and his widowed mother who were visited by three kings seeking the Christ Child. The cast included Gary Peters as Amahl, Miss Husted as his mother, and Roda Adams, Alan Bilbro, [...]

1949: “Wisconsin Builds for Eternity”

Record Set '48-49 - 29 Church Schools 404 Pupils! New Wisconsin Academy A Reality! Taking it at its face value the statement by the Lord's servant that "There is nothing more important than the education of our children and youth," parents, pastors and friends are investing more than ever before to make possible the [...]

2009: “ASI and Wisconsin Academy in Chile”

Lake Union members of Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) along with a group of 27 students and staff members from Wisconsin Adventist Academy (WA) organized a mission trip to Santiago, Chile, Mar. 10–23. Their plans included building a church, conducting an evangelistic series, and teaching English and Bible lessons. The group was challenged before [...]

1999: “New Cafeteria Project”

Together We Can! Wisconsin Academy Alumni Weekend was more than just a gathering of old friends-it was the public launching of fundraising for the future of WA. In September of 1998, the delegates to the Confer­ence constituency voted nearly unanimously to build a new kitchen cafeteria complex and attach it to the gymnasium. For [...]

1989: “Bell Choir for Wisconsin Academy”

The annual Christmas concert was held on December 8, 1989, at Wisconsin Academy in Columbus, directed by Bruce Rasmussen and assisted by Rosalie Rasmussen. The inspirational concert included vocal and instrumental performances. In addition to this, the school's new two-octave Bell Choir performed. The set of bells were on loan to the academy for [...]

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