Plant Improvement Projects

Over the next four years we plan on renovating the entire campus one project at a time.  This page shows the projects we are currently working on and those we plan to start soon.  We invite you to participate with us through work bees or financial contributions.

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Quonset Remodel

The Quonset over the years has been neglected until it became an eye sore. We have begun work to make it once again an attractive and functional building.  We have begun restoring it and by summer it will look like a completely new building.

Funds needed to complete: $10,000.

The goal for the Quonset of $30,000 is at 66%

Science Lab Remodel

The Academy has to date received $35,000 to remodel the existing Science Lab.  The money has been used to purchase five science student workstations and one additional station for chemical collection and disposal during labs. We will begin remodeling the lab once the lab workstations arrive by October or November.

Funds needed to complete $5,000.

The Science Lab renovation funding stands at 88%

Parking Lot Resurfacing

We have begun resurfacing our parking lot starting with the parking lot near the administrative building.  It had cracks filled then it was resurfaced and striped.  We are planning to resurface the other parking lots either in the spring or over the summer.

Goal to complete $5,000

Student Computers

The Academy is purchasing computers for student use to be placed in the Ladies’ Dorm, Men’s Dorm and the Accounting classroom.

Goal $4,500

Future Renovation Projects

  • Paint gym inside and outside

  • Replace Gym hallway flooring

  • Replace admin/classroom building boiler system

  • Replace cafeteria kitchen appliances ovens, dishwashers, etc.

  • Install a backup electric generator on campus

Completed Projects

Updated Crawfish Bridge

Gym Door Replacement

Tech Ed. Building Renovation

This summer we have completely resided the Tech Ed. building and now it looks like a new building.  This allows us to use it year-round thus letting us to offer more classes.  We are now moving into the interior of the building to complete making it a functional and attractive part of our campus.