The Adventist Youth For Better Living Club (AYBL) has been very active at Wisconsin Academy this year. Health emphasis days have been conducted featuring natural remedies such as proper deep breathing, exercise, proper sleep, and oral hygiene. To emphasize the programs even further, skits and talks are given and posters displayed concerning the topic that will be discussed. The club helped conduct a FiveDay Plan to Stop Smoking at the Divine Saviour Hospital in Portage, in October. Follow-up programs are being conducted. The first follow-up focused on nutrition and vegetarianism. Samples of vegetarian food were distributed. The second follow-up stressed the importance of exercise, and the third meeting included a talk on how to control stress with emphasis on exercise. On November 29, the AYBL group traveled to Stevens Point, for a “Wellness Day.” About 300 high school students and sponsors from throughout the state attended. The entire group of students met in a general meeting and then formed groups. The AYBL group conducted physical fitness testing, nutrition, and stress sessions. A skit was presented. The AYBL group has also presented programs at schools in the Columbus area. They visited the Fall River grade school and performed a skit. Byron Chalker, group advisor, talked about “The Great American Smoke Out.” Buttons and iron-ons were awarded to the children who could get the most people to sign a pledge not to smoke that day. A similar program was presented to the Petersen Elementary School. The officers of AYBL are Cheri Knutson, president; Carmie Cox, vice president; Kris Coffin, secretary, and Kim Flood, treasurer. The group is planning more activities during the coming months. Helen Guth Communication Secretary