Yearbook Revealed

Last Sunday the yearbook class released the 2021 Badger, entitled "Behind the Mask." The surprise release began with a flyover by one of our yearbooks students, who dropped a homemade parachuting dummy. The dummy was "rescued" by the yearbook team. Within a few minutes, they began handing out books, which were well-received. The yearbooks [...]

Studying the Great Commission in Sophomore Bible Class

When I stopped in on Mr. Rasmussen's Bible II class this week, the sophomores were gathered in small groups with their Bibles and a chapter from the Acts of the Apostles open on their desks. They were reading  and highlighting key concepts in the chapter entitled "The Great Commission" which describes Jesus' last moments [...]

NHS Inducts Nine

The Wisconsin Academy chapter of the National Honor Society is please to announce that nine new members were inducted it its membership during a ceremony attended by the entire student body with family and friends. Dr. Austin Bacchus spoke about the "Weight of a Talent," exploring Jesus' parable of the talents and encouraged us [...]

Students “Attend” Classes from Home for a Week

Last week, the entire student body "attended" classes from home via Microsoft Teams. While most classrooms were already equipped with cameras and the rest to connect with distance students, directing lessons exclusively to the cameras without students in the room was an adjustment. That didn't stop Mr. Cantrell from discussing the mechanics of elections [...]

Sanctuary Projects Completed

Thursday was "due day" for the Sanctuary Projects in Bible III. We've been studying about the Sanctuary and its services this quarter, and the major project was to complete a model of the tabernacle in the wilderness. While the models needed to represent all the major features of the tabernacle, there were no specifications [...]

Making Piñatas in Spanish I Class

This week, in Spanish I, students have been constructing traditional Mexican piñatas. Each year, Spanish teacher Willyta Wamack tries to bring some aspects of Spanish-speaking cultures into her classroom. The piñatas are taking many forms. One is a star, another is a sombrero, a third is a globe. "So we both choose a llama, [...]

Juniors Enjoy “Passover” Meal

On Tuesday, Juniors  enjoyed a meal reminiscent of Passover at the time of Christ. Seated on floor, social-distance style, we enjoyed a variety of biblical foods, including, of course, unleavened bread, grape juice, and "bitter herbs". The main item of the meal missing was the lamb.  (If anyone knows a good recipe or source [...]

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