Friday Evening Afterglow

Often on Friday evenings after vespers we gather around the piano and sing together. Mr. Rasmussen plays the piano. Sometimes students join on their instruments. We sing our favorites from the hymnal - "O When Shall I See Jesus?", "It is Well With My Soul", "I'd Rather Have Jesus"- and many others. It isn't [...]

Week of Prayer Results in Baptism

On Sabbath, April 10, WA students, staff, family, and church members rejoiced with all of heaven as one of our juniors was baptized at the close of our spring week of prayer. The baptism was performed by Pastor Ron Kelly, who spoke for morning and evening meetings, sharing the essentials of having a relationship [...]

Week of Prayer with Pastor Ron Kelly

We have been blessed to have Pastor Ron Kelly with us for our fourth week of prayer. During morning and evening meetings, Pastor Kelly has been sharing with us the essentials of having a relationship with Jesus. Instead of writing about his messages here, I invite you to watch them streamed live on our [...]

Distributing “The Great Hope” Door to Door

Last Sabbath afternoon was warm and sunny, a perfect day to be out in our community sharing the good news! All of our on-campus students traveled to the nearby communities of Rio and Randolph to take small bags of literature door to door. The bags, which we packed several weeks ago on another Sabbath [...]

Pastor Nelson Speaks for Vespers

Last Friday, we were blessed to have Pastor Loren Nelson, of the Madison East and Oakland churches, share with us. He spoke about anime (an animation style originating in Japan), and explored biblical concepts to consider when making choices about entertainment of any kind. He also reminded us that problems are growth opportunities and [...]

Hurtado Speaks for Weekend of Spiritual Emphasis

We were blessed this last weekend to have William Hurtado of International Children's Care (ICC) speak to us for our Weekend of Spiritual Emphasis. He shared about living for others and being "fully human" through the various stages of life. He illustrated his points with moving stories of orphans and the people who love [...]

Students Distribute GLOW Tracts in Columbus

A few Sabbaths ago, over 30 students and staff spent Sabbath afternoon distributing GLOW tracts in our local community of Columbus. Instead of knocking on doors, students hung small plastic bags on doorknobs. Each bag contained GLOW tracts and an individually wrapped candy. "GLOW" stands for "Giving Light to Our World." These pocket-sized tracts [...]

Week of Prayer with Myoung Kwon

We are blessed this week to have Pastor Myoung Kwon of the Waukesha and Milwaukee Northwest churches share with us for our second Week of Prayer. During morning and evening meetings, Pastor Myoung has been taking us through the book of Daniel, focusing on personal application of the stories and prophecies. This evening, we [...]

Mike Edge Speaks for Week of Prayer

During our most recent week of prayer, Elder Mike Edge described the building blocks of a relationship with Jesus. He spoke Thursday evening, for chapel and vespers on Friday, and again for church on Sabbath. The final meeting was Sabbath afternoon, during which he made a call. Several students decided to make a decision [...]

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