Record Set ’48-49 – 29 Church Schools

404 Pupils! New Wisconsin Academy A Reality!

Taking it at its face value the statement by the Lord’s servant that “There is nothing more important than the education of our children and youth,” parents, pastors and friends are investing more than ever before to make possible the environment of Christian education the leading force in youth evangelism in Wisconsin as the new all-time record in 1948-49 will attest. This is not the end. New schools are to be established this next school year. Isolated families are moving to places where their children will come under the influence of a God-loving and God-fearing teacher.

Now is the time for action! If your child is not in church school, make this a special subject of prayer. Divinity responds to sincerity. God will provide means and methods whereby your son, your daughter will be in church school or academy. If nothing else is possible, dedicate your time in personal guidance through the Home-School program. See your educational superintendent about particulars. To delay may mean eternal loss. ….

To every faithful Wisconsin parent who has made all this possible comes the reassuring promise in Psalms 37:25, “I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” – J. F. Knipschild, Jr.