
Nothing touches the heart like music.

Music Festival Registration

Music Festival Information

Music Festival Practice Songs

Musical Instruction



Is music in your blood? Try out for the Choralaires, our select vocal group with a reputation of excellence since 1953.  In addition to singing with the chorale each month at our local church, you’ll have the opportunity to tour Wisconsin and Northern Illinois singing God’s praises at churches and schools.


Belissimi Cerchi

It’s all in the wrist! Join Bellissimi Cerchi (Latin for “beautiful circles”), touring handbell choir, and become highly skilled at ringing both English handbells and chimes as well as advanced sight reading.  Each year, you’ll tour Wisconsin and northern Illinois making God’s praises ring in churches and schools. You’ll also get to  participate in the annual RingFest in Toldeo, Ohio.


Individual Lessons

Practice, practice, practice! Discover a new passion, or hone your skills with individual music lessons. Weekly lessons are offered in piano and voice.


Davina Fingerson
Davina Fingerson
Music Director, Choralaires
Voice Lessons, Piano Lessons, Belissimi Cerchi

“Let there be singing in the school, and the pupils will be drawn closer to God, to their teachers, and to one another.” – Ed. 168

Music News

On Sabbath, April 8, the WA Men’s Chorus (all of the men in Choir) headed south to Rockford, Illinois to share music with the Rockford SDA Church during their morning worship service.  We received a very warm welcome, and we were privileged to add our ministry of music to their worship service.  While we were there, one of our students, who was home for the weekend, stepped up and asked if we could also sing for his afternoon church service.  We discovered that a second service was held in the early afternoon for the Karen SDA Church of Rockford.  We shared a music selection for their service, as well.  The men enjoyed a great fellowship meal provided by the Rockford SDA Church, and enjoyed talking to many alumni members from that church.  We had to leave shortly after lunch to be back in time for some of our members to join the afternoon group that was handing out GLOW tracks.  Overall, it was a beautiful Sabbath day spent ministering in music with some very wonderful church families.  We were truly blessed.