
English I
This course is designed to build reading comprehension through a study of non-fiction and fiction sources, expand vocabulary through the study of Greek and Latin roots, review basic grammar and usage skills, and develop writing skills through the writing process.

English II
This course is designed to continue the development of reading comprehension through the study of world literature. Grammar and usage skills are developed through the writing process. Creative writing will be continued, but emphasis will be placed on developing skills in expository writing.

English III
This course integrates composition, grammar, vocabulary, speech, and critical thinking through a survey of American literature from the beginning of the American tradition to modern literature of the 20th and 21st century. The course builds on skills learned in English I and II, and continues the use of the writing process in creative and expository writing.

English IV
This course integrates composition, grammar, vocabulary, speech, and critical thinking through a survey of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the 21st century. The course continues to build on skills learned through the writing process with an emphasis on analytical, persuasive, and research writing. Upon completion of this course, students should feel adequately prepared for college composition classes.