In September, Wisconsin Academy Juniors and Seniors will have the awesome opportunity to participate in a co-curricular Heritage Tour encompassing four core classes: American History, Literature, Bible, and Government. Prayerful planning has gone into the content areas this trip will cover. The Heritage Tour is unique from other history trips because it weaves the story of American History with the story of Adventist History connecting these to the United States in Bible prophecy which makes it our current and future story.

Students will travel from Wisconsin to New York and make their way down to Washington D.C. experiencing places like the William Miller Farm, Plymouth Rock, Boston, Bull Run, and more. Students will engage in hands on learning experiences and even share their musical and leadership talents along the way.

Johnny Suarez, director of Pan De Vida Travel, has been working with Wisconsin Academy teachers to design and plan this unique trip. He is excited for the spiritual theme that will tie all parts of the journey together and shares “In the Bible, Joshua 4:21 says, ‘And he said to the people of Israel, ‘When your children ask their fathers in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean?’ then you shall let your children know, ‘Israel passed over this Jordan on dry ground’ Memorials of God’s past goodness are constant reminders of His present and future presence to His faithful followers. We will be looking for those stones of remembrance.”

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