We’re Going to GYC!
This December, over 25 students and staff will be attending the GYC convention in Louisville, Kentucky. We pray that God will use this experience to revive us and prepare us for His service.
Through God’s power, a small group of people can change the world. Jonathan and his armor-bearer had the audacity to believe in this power. While their army cowered in caves, these two men stepped out in faith and conquered their enemy. If God’s cause can triumph with two, what could He do with thousands radically committed to His glory?
GYC began because of the courage of a few. A few who dared to dream they could turn the world upside-down in the power of Christ. The few have grown into thousands.
Each year, we come to be challenged and inspired. To connect with others who share our passion for service. To discover new ways to become involved in church, community, and abroad. We study to build our faith and grow in pursuit of Biblical truth.
We believe that God can turn the world upside-down by many or by few.
Do you?

Generation. Youth. Christ.
When people ask what GYC stands for, we say it represents the three core values that we possess: Generation (finishing the work in this generation). Youth (young people have an active role to play in the Lord’s work). And Christ (that Jesus is the center of all we do).
A Strong Identity
A youth-initiated and led movement of Seventh-day Adventists from diverse backgrounds, united in a common commitment to serious Bible study, intense prayer, uncompromising lifestyle, and boldness in sharing Christ with others.
Uphold the distinctive message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; to aspire to excellence in all aspects of their lives – academic, professional, and spiritual; to embrace the call to radical discipleship, including a life of missionary service; and to be supportive and respectful of denominational leadership while remaining a youth-led movement.
How Can I Help?
To find out how you can help support the students who will be attending GYC, contact our principal, Rosalie Rasmussen, at (920) 623-3300 or by email.